Friday, September 25, 2009

60 pounds gone forever!

Well, ladies and gents, I woke up this morning and got on the scale and it read...


Now, I'm not one to attention whore but since this is my blog, I'll tell you all that I'm pretty ecstatic. I had such a bad week with my job (I'll post on that later) that this milestone really brought me some happiness. I now only have 40 pounds till goal. That still seems like alot but I know I will get there eventually. I think I'm at the elusive sweet spot right now. I can eat pretty much anything only in small portions. I make good choices 90% of the time but allow myself a treat every now and then. I won't lie to ya'll, I do not exercise regularly at all. I need to work on that. I've been looking for a used treadmill to put in my bedroom so I can exercise during my shows at night. It's just not realistic for me to get a gym membership. I work 10 hour days and still have to come home and cook dinner for the family, help with homework, get kids in the bath, etc. By the time I do all that there is no way in hell, I'm going out to the gym. So, I think the treadmill at home is a good option.

I am tracking all my foods on Weight Watchers online so I account for everything I eat and I think this has been extremely helpful. It's only 16 dollars and change a month and I think it's been the best money I've spent.
I will post full length pics sometime this weekend so you can see a comparison. My arms still bug the bejesus (yes, I made that word up) out of me. It's like I haven't lost any weight there at all. Grrrr...

I'm posting some older pictures of me so you can see what I look like at various stages of weight. Yes, I color my hair ALOT! I tried to pick a goal weight that I think is relatively easy to maintain and not have to struggle all the time. It's at the high end of a normal BMI, but I think I looked good at that weight. Dr. Lord tried to tell me that my goal should be 115. I think he must have been sucking on the crack pipe that day because I have never in my life weighed 115. At 120 pounds, I looked a little gaunt. At 115 pounds, I'd have no boobs or butt and would look like a skeleton. Now, I'm open to trying to lose a little more but 115 seems crazy. Let me know what you think.

Here I am at around 125 pounds. No, I'm not jaundiced. It's a poorly scanned pic and I apologize for that.

The next few I'm at around 135 pounds. Isn't it amazing how at lower weights, 10 pounds can make a huge difference?!?!?

And here I am at around 145. What do you think? Better at 135-145?

And please note how in none of the pictures do my arms look small!! WTF folks?!?!?


Crzytchr said...

Melly, shoot for the 145. You look good and healthy there and it is a very attainable goal. And yes, your doctor was smoking crack that day.

pookie said...

you look amazing at 145!! I would aim for that!
You are an inspiration and your success is amazing!
Great Job!!

From Fat to Fit said...

Wya to go! I too like myself a little on the higher side. I am shooting for 160. It might seem high, but I am 5'10. I really liked myself at 160...of course, that was when I was really athletic!

Mary said...

1ST OF ALL! AWEEESSSOOMMMEEE that you hit that 185 goal you are almost there!!!!!!! :o)

now You look sooooo fermiliar did you go to highschool here at all?

and you look so georgeous in those pics! I dont think your arms look big at all! I think Dr. Lord is on crack because he said that I should be at 135 and that is not even realistic for me. But you are very beautiful and I want to get togeather and go walking with the kiddos or something of that nature!!

MB said...

That is so cool that you are in P'cola (at least now)! You'll have to get up with me, Mary, Lacey, and Amy W. whenever we have our 5K or meal out or whatever we all decide (that is, if you want).

What did you say your height is again? You look beautiful in all these pics--and I love your little girl's hair! She is so adorable!

MB said...

Congrats btw!!!

Gen said...

Congratulations! I am going to vote 145. You look smokin at that weight!

Gen said...

BTW I am only 5' 4" and my surgeon gave me a goal weight of 150. I am skinny at that weight, believe it or not!

Melly said...

Thanks ladies! You made me feel awesome. I'm 5'4 for the record. I am going to aim for 145. I'm pretty confident I can get there without killing myself =)

Fat to Fit: 160 pounds at 5'10 does not seem fat. I actually think it's on the rather thin side.

Mary: I didn't go to high school here but I must have a familiar face because everyone asks me if I went to Tate lol I went to nursing school here though - UWF. We will definitely get together to walk. I know I've said that before but I really mean it. I'm off Fri-Sun every week. Our kids would love playing together.

Bandita: I'd love to do the 5k with you girls. I better start practicing lol Maybe that will give me motivation to exercise. I'll have to post some more recent pics. I have 2 girls, 2 1/2 and 6 1/2. They're wild!

Gen: I bet you are skinny at that weight. I know we all carry it differently. I can be a little on the heavier side and still look good because I tend to have a bigger build. I would shoot for the 150.

It's obvious after reading Mary's post that our doctor is just nuts with his goal weights *LMAO*

MartinaB said...

You look great! Congratulations on your weight loss, your blog is truly inspiring. I just found your blog and became your follower and I am looking forward to follow your success.